Saturday, January 19, 2008

Big Government Needs to End

Big Government Problem Solvers in the State of Denial link to a post by Patrick Krey

Jim Quinn is a regionally syndicated right wing morning radio show host who started his current show in Pittsburgh, PA. Quinn's 2nd Law of Liberalism states: Liberalism always generates the direct opposite of it's stated attempt. Krey refers to this exact same concept when he commnets on Zoning and New Urbanism. By zoning and instituting mandatory public schools the government has created areas of cities that have drastic differences in race and economic background. Krey says that those who run Big Government believe that the average person is too stupid and irresponsible to take care of himself. They wish to micro manage the lives of other people when they should just bug off and stay out of other people's business.

What we want to do (unless it puts others in danger) is none of the government's business. An example of where the government thinks they know more about caring for us than we do is social security. If people were able to invest the money that they pay into social security each year, rather then giving it to the government, not only would individuals be able to retire sooner with more money in their pockets, but the American economy would also skyrocket. The government needs to get out of our lives and allow us do care for ourselves.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

nice post, although i dont quite agree with eveything. i think if the government could come up with a well thought up social health care plan, it might work. if that will happen...

hey man, im gonna miss blogging. i think i will keep it up every once in a while.