Wednesday, January 9, 2008

McCain can't win the independent votes

The McCain Maverick Myth By Patrick Krey

In this post, Krey complains that McCain is a much too liberal Republican, a notion that I happen to agree with. Some say that the appeal of McCain is that he will win the votes of the independents, acquiring the cross over votes. What we have here is a lesser of two evils. Rather than putting a moon bat in office, settle for McCain. Krey wonders how people expect McCain to win the cross over vote if he is so pro-Iraq war and wants to bomb Iran, something that I would assume that most cross over voters aren't quite ready for.

The complaint that Krey poses is a legitimate one and one that I agree with. McCain has many liberal tendencies and would not be the best Republican candidate for that reason. If what Frey says is true then I can't imagine that he would have a successful candidacy for president.

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